Eren Bal
Web Platform Design: Empowering design software learning with a collaborative tool and streamlined search
Cooperation, accessibility, motivation, software, user experience design

This master’s thesis project mainly focuses on how the process of learning and finding the most suitable design software for a user’s need is promoted to aid learners’ experiences and motivations. Towards this scope, the thesis suggests a web platform design that presents a way of searching software and collaboration opportunities with
peers with mutual goals.

The research question of this study is:
How might we empower the experience of seeking and learning a design

The main motivation for this thesis comes from my bachelor's studies, one of the computer literacy and design software courses. The focus was on speeding up and turning into the modeling phase as effectively as possible while using AR software utilization. Apart from specific work that is conducted during this course, the selection of design software and way of utilizing, and learning it made me question many things about what type of software would be the perfect match for my future needs and expectations for my work while sustaining my first-day motivation or try to sustain it with
some specific ways. I also shared this state of questioning and hardship with peers during the period of being an advisor to some of my classmates for their learning design software process. Although there are solutions for providing tutorials and online courses to people who want to learn any design software, the dynamic of collaboration is considerably helpful in boosting people’s motivation and desire to learn new things.

Throughout the process, the current accessibilities, and options, expert reviews, and user expectations were evaluated with the help of user-centered design principles. The design software learners and experts were interviewed regarding their learning process of design software and their way of utilization. In addition, experts shared their valuable knowledge around experiences in this regard. This resulted in the ground for the necessary specifications, features, and design choices.

In light of the insights and research, with the design thinking methodology, low-high fidelity mock-ups were created during the development of the website. During the iteration process, the participants were asked to evaluate these mock-ups and give
feedback on the overall design. All led the final design of a software search platform that collects every necessary information for software seekers and provides easy links to access various websites from one place, as well as collaborative sessions that are useful for finding people who have similar goals and learning expectations.