Elina Skøyen, Victoria  Phan, Hans Arne Skårerverket
A Digitalization of the Visitor Friend Service
Social Sustainability, interaction design, loneliness, the elderly


This project aims to provide a solution for the Red Cross Visitor Service to introduce
a Digital Visiting Friend. This service is primarily for elderly who fall outside the use of
KOMP, because they don't have anyone to connect with on the platform. Our goal is to ensure
that even those without a social network can still experience the advantages of digital
interaction, in addition to help to facilitate the connection work in the Red Cross by creating a
more seamless solution.

By identifying the difficulties in the current system, we've developed a solution to introduce a
Digital Visiting Friend service. This service is designed with the needs of the elderly in mind
to make their experience as smooth as possible. Additionally, we've suggested a new system
for making and tracking connections. This helps Red Cross staff easily see which hosts need
their attention the most, and could possibly make the whole process run more efficient.


Many elderly feel lonely and isolated, especially if they don't have close friends or
family. These feelings can harm both their mental and physical health. By boosting social
connections with digital tools and services, we can help ease these feelings of loneliness. Our
ultimate aim is to help elderly feel more connected and improve their overall quality of life,
by offering them the service of a Digital Visiting Friend.