Christodoulos Christodoulou
Designing Democracy: The Role of Graphic Design in Immigrants’ Electoral Engagement
Advertising, design research, graphic design, social sustainability, systemic design

My product aims to encourage immigrants to participate in local elections in Norway through an advertising campaign. The campaign includes a variety of channels such as static and animated posters, billboards, newspapers, magazines, and online advertisements. It also offers educational materials such as leaflets, how-to videos, and social media promotional materials (posts, stories, reels, carousels, etc.), as well as video commercials, information booths, and installations. My goal is to educate and convince voters from diverse backgrounds to exercise their right to vote.

Over the last decade, there has been a consistently low partcipation rate in local elections among immigrants. Despite being granted the right to vote, few individuals with immigrant backgrounds participate in local elections. This issue is documented, for instance, by the National Statistical Institute of Norway, as well as by local news channels such as the National Public Broadcaster (NRK) and Aftenposten. As a graphic designer, I aim to contribute positively to addressing this issue by educating and persuading voters. How? To frame my campaign, I divided my project into four phases. In phase one, I interviewed immigrants to gain insights into their awareness and perspectives on the Norwegian electoral system. In phase two, I collaborated with Likestillingssenteret (The Centre for Equality) to organise a workshop in which I shared the insights from phase one with local representatives, and gathered their feedback. In phase three, I developed the campaign based on the objectives defined by the earlier collected data. In phase four, I tested the efficiency and alignment of the campaign with the objectives by presenting the media to the immigrants I interviewed in phase one. I also reviewed whether the new material was helpful and informative to them.

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