Surface index aims to make infrastructure along the Norwegian harbors more focused on life under water by changing the way we build.
Surface index is a service that aims to change the way we build along the coast. It also forces us to think about harbor infrastructure. Surface index invites us to transform harbor architecture in to habitats for animals and plants through guidelines and a platform.
Surface index is a platform and an index.The index constists of several parameters that can be used when constructing along the coast. Parameters are based on science and are as following: sunlight, surface roughness, hiding places and surface diversity. The platform is a library for harbors around the globe. On the platform, the harbors may find information on their infrastructure.
The Oslofjord is in crisis. The Oslo harbor is one of the areas which are heavily affected by loss of life. Rethinking the way we build is one strategy to help mitigate that ecological crisis. Today’s architecture is monotonous and slippery, meaning that they are bad habitats for animals and plants. Harbor officials and developers need the tools to make changes here.