Ingvild Hansson Kalsnes
Design Actifesto
Feminism, activism, co-creation, interaction design, intersectionality, service design

Design Actifesto aims to raise awareness about designers' role in counteracting structural inequality through their design praxis. The project emphasizes the absence of a discourse that identifies the design field as political, and a lack of tools to support designers in identifying societal structures that contribute to unequal balance of power and privilege between people. Designers’ points of intervention are identified through workshops with representatives from marginalised groups, a case study, user tests with design students and perspectives from intersectional feminism and discursive design.

Design Actifesto is both a feminist design manifesto and a digital co-creation platform - a tool for designers that aims to support them in fighting inequality and empowering marginalised people. The platform takes the designer through three steps toward an activist design praxis; Understand - Practice - Evaluate. Additionally it facilitates active dialogue about what it means to be an activist designer, and is meant to be in continuous development in order to stay relevant and to reflect the people it strives to represent.