Mari Bonden
Kristin Andreassen, Astrid Maria Heimer, Pia Henriksen
Culture, network, sustainability, visualizing

AV MED FOR is a study about how to strengthen local companies that produce and distribute locally produced goods and services in Sandefjord, a small city south of Oslo. I see both environmental, economic and socially sustainable potential in strengthening the local industry. Through methods and theory based on activation, consumer-product-attachment and creating experiences I want to help these companies reach out to their customers. For people to fully realise what their community has to offer, they need to be aware of what already exists.

I have engaged with networks and through case-studies, over time becoming more acquainted with a great depth of interesting people and their companies. They have provided me with an insight into their challenges and needs. This has resulted in a vision for greater collaboration, activation and visibility. The result has been the project AV MED FOR – a book concept to increase the visibility of local companies in their city and communities. The ultimate vision of this is to create a venue for both the customers and the businesses, a venue for creativity, activation, and visibility. The book is created as a guide for the people in Sandefjord to show them what local companies can offer them, and for these enterprises to give their customers inspiration and more creative ideas.